COVID-19 Safety
Eisner Health follows the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
recommendations on testing. You should always check the CDC and the Los Angeles
County Department of Public Health for more information.

FAQ & Resources
COVID-19 Vaccines
Scroll down to learn more about COVID-19 FAQ and resources. You should also check the
CDC and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health for more information.
The novel coronavirus is a newly discovered virus. It causes an illness called COVID-19. Many of the symptoms are similar to the flu: dry cough, fever, difficulty breathing.
COVID-19 spreads easily from person to person, mainly by the following routes:
- Between people who are in close contact with one another (within 6 feet).
- Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, breathes, sings or talks.
- Respiratory droplets cause infection when they are inhaled or deposited on mucous membranes, such as those that line the inside of the nose and mouth.
- People who are infected but do not have symptoms can also spread the virus to others.
- Under certain circumstances (for example, when people are in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation), COVID-19 can sometimes be spread by airborne transmission.
- COVID-19 spreads less commonly through contact with contaminated surfaces.
Most people who get sick with COVID-19 have a mild illness. Many of those infected don’t even know they have it. As with influenza, in some cases it can lead to serious illness such as pneumonia and even death. It appears that people over 60 and those with chronic medical conditions are most likely to develop severe illness and complications. The illness has not infected very many children and most of those cases have been very mild.
We have put processes in place to lower the risk of illness for patients and staff including testing, treatment, and eventually, vaccination against COVID-19. Our medical staff is following recommendations from local public health officials and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in order to be able to provide appropriate care for our patients.
The pharmacy is open. If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or were asked to quarantine, we strongly prefer that you stay at home. In situations where you are in need of essential prescriptions and cannot wait, your options are:
- Ask a friend or relative to pick up your prescritpions. Remember to practice safety guidelines and ask them to leave your prescriptions outside your door.
- Call the pharmacy and tell them that you would like to do curbside pick-up.
- Find out if you qualify for your prescription delivery through your health insurance plan or another program. Please call our pharmacy for specific questions or concerns.
No. We ask that you contact your health insurance plan to ask if they offer a delivery program. If you need help, our case managers can offer assistance.
In order to decrease the risk that patients and staff face by sharing the same space, we have changed most of our appointments to virtual visits, either over the telephone or through a video link. You will be informed of your appointment type when our staff call to confirm your appointment. Please keep your appointment unless directed otherwise. If you believe you have been exposed to COVID-19, please call to speak to one of our medical staff before coming in. All of our locations remain open to serve the community.
Yes, everyone over the age of 2 should wear a mask in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
- Masks should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
Surgical masks are required to entry into all Eisner Health centers. Cloth masks are not acceptable. If you do not have a surgical mask, adult and pediatric masks are available at the front desk.
Continue to keep about 6 feet between yourself and others. The mask is not a substitute for social distancing.
You should get tested if you:
- Have symptoms of COVID-19.
- Were asked by LA County Department of Public Health to get a test because of a contact tracing or outbreak investigation.
- Were in “close contact” with someone who has COVID-19 in the past 2 weeks.
- Work or live in places such as skilled nursing facilities, group homes, residential care facilities, correctional facilities or homeless shelters.
- Are a person experiencing homelessness.
- Are an essential worker with frequent contacts with the public in the following areas: health care, emergency, food and grocery services, factory workers in food and retail, public transportation, and education.
- Don’t have symptoms but believe you may be infected now because you were exposed to people who were sick, were around many people who were not wearing face coverings, and/or were not keeping safe distance in the past 2 weeks.
If you are experiencing symptoms and/or have been in contact with someone who tested positive, you can be tested at Eisner Health. However, you must first call us schedule a telehealth appointment first. Your health care provider will ask you questions about your symptoms and schedule a COVID-19 test. Once you have tested positive for COVID-19 for a particular episode of illness, the CDC does not recommend retesting to confirm the first test or as proof that the infection has cleared.
There are many different symptoms of COVID-19. Some of the most common ones are fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches, and fatigue. Some people may have a runny or stuffy nose, headache, or loss of sense of taste or smell. Other people may experience nausea, diarrhea, or loss of appetite. If you experience any of these symptoms, please call your doctor in order to be evaluated.
We are screening all patients coming to the clinic for symptoms and checking for fever. All employees working at our clinics are also screened on a daily basis. We are taking extra sanitation precautions at all our clinic sites and have spaced out chairs in our waiting rooms to encourage social distancing. In addition, patients coming in for care who are sick are seen in a different space from patients coming in for routine care. For patients being tested for the coronavirus, we follow processes designed to prevent transmission of the infection. All staff and patients are required to wear masks.
Public health officials recommend the following steps to prevent the spread of all respiratory viruses, including influenza and COVID-19.
- Practice social distancing. Keep your social circle small by spending time only with the people you live with, care for, or must see at work.
- Wash your hands frequently and for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 20 seconds is one round of “The Alphabet Song” or two rounds of “Happy Birthday to You”.
- Cough into your elbow or a tissue and not your hands. Dispose of the tissue.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work and school.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- If you are sick, stay home.
- Practice healthy habits: Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.
If you feel unwell, particularly if you have a fever, intense achiness, coughing, or trouble breathing, it is very important to contact your doctor immediately for assistance direction. Typical OTC medications and their use is below.
- Acetaminophen (TYLENOL) may be used to help with fever
- Dextromethorphan (DELSYM) may be used to help with cough
- Guaifenesin (ROBITUSSIN) may be used to help with secretions
- Loratadine (CLARITIN) may be used to help with allergic symptoms
- Famotidine (PEPCID) may be used to help with stomach acid or heartburn
- Simethicone (MYLICON) may be used to help with gas
Always follow the dosing instructions and do not take more than the recommended doses listed on the product packages.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
COVID-19 Vaccines
There are many vaccines in development to protect us against COVID-19.
Below are some common questions about vaccination and COVID-19 vaccines.
Vaccination is a safe and effective way to prevent disease. Vaccines save millions of lives each year. When we get vaccinated, we are not just protecting ourselves but also those around us.
When a person gets vaccinated, they are less likely to get a disease or pass the germ on to other people. When more people get vaccinated, there are fewer people left for a germ to infect, so it is harder for the germ to spread. This is called community immunity or herd immunity. Herd immunity is important because it protects people who cannot get the vaccine, for example, because they are too young or are very sick.
Vaccines work by preparing the body’s immune system to recognize and fight off germs. They reduce your risk of getting a disease by working with your body’s natural defenses to build protection. When you get a vaccine, your immune system responds by:
- Detects the invading germ, such as a virus or bacteria.
- Makes antibodies. Antibodies are proteins produced naturally by the immune system to fight
disease. - Remembers the disease and how to fight it. If you are exposed to the germ after getting the
vaccine, your immune system can quickly destroy it before you become sick.
Our immune systems are designed to remember. After we get one or more doses of a vaccine, we are protected against the disease for a period of time. This is what makes vaccines so effective. Instead of treating a disease after it happens, vaccines can prevent us from getting sick in the first place.
No. None of the COVID-19 vaccines being developed in the United States have the virus that causes COVID-19 in them. Sometimes people get a fever or feel tired for a day or so after getting a vaccine. These symptoms are normal and are a sign that the body is building immunity. You can learn more about how COVID-19 vaccines work at this CDC website.
It usually takes a few weeks for the body to build immunity after vaccination. If a person got infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 just before or just after they got a shot, they could still get COVID-19. This is because the vaccine has not had enough time to provide protection.
No. Vaccines will not cause you to test positive on a viral test (like the swab test) that looks for current COVID-19 infection. You may test positive on some antibody tests. This is because one of the ways that vaccines work is to teach your body to make antibodies. See the public health testing webpage to learn more about COVID-19 tests.
Yes. You do need the vaccine even if you have had COVID-19. We do not yet know how long you are protected after you have had COVID-19, so it is important to have the vaccine to strengthen your immunity.
No. You cannot get the vaccine if you currently have COVID-19. If you do get COVID-19 between your first and second vaccine, your second shot may be delayed until you have completed your isolation period and symptoms have improved or resolved. Please speak to your provider if this happens to you. Once your symptoms have improved, you can get the vaccine.
In some cases, symptoms of COVID-19 can linger for months. If this applies to you, you should get the vaccine. You do not need to wait for these long-term symptoms to subside
If you have insurance, we will ask to see your insurance card at the front desk, and you will not have to pay. If you do not have insurance, please ask our staff for assistance.
We offer Moderna vaccines for anyone 6 months and older.
We currently offer COVID-19 vaccinations at all of our locations except Santee Wellness Center.
Yes. If you have a cold, you should still get your COVID-19 vaccine. If you have a fever, please speak with your doctor first.
Yes. Whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding you CAN receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Getting the COVID-19 vaccine while pregnant or breastfeeding is safe, effective and recommended by Eisner Health. For more information click here.
Yes. You do not need a social security number or immigration status to get vaccinated for COVID-19. The vaccine is free for everyone, regardless of immigration status. For more information click here.
Yes, you may continue your series at Eisner Health. Please refer to question #9 for the vaccine types offered.
People who are moderately to severely immunocompromised should get an authorized third dose of a COVID19 vaccine. This includes people who have been receiving cancer treatment for tumors or cancers of the blood, received an organ transplant and are taking medicine to suppress the immune system, received a stem cell transplant within the last two years, have moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as DiGeorge syndrome or Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome), or are receiving treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress the immune response.
These third doses for immunocompromised patients can be given to patients who received their second Pfizer or Moderna dose at least 28 days prior
Individuals 18 years of age and older who received a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine are eligible for a booster shot six months or more after their initial series. Individuals who received the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, booster shots are also recommended for those who are 18 and older and who were vaccinated two or more months prior. For additional information, click here.
After you receive each of your vaccines, you must wait in our waiting area for 15 minutes for observation to ensure you do not have an allergic reaction to the vaccine. It is very rare to have an allergic reaction. If you have had an allergic reaction to a different vaccine in the past, you can still receive the COVID-19 vaccine, but your observation time may be extended. Please speak to your provider if you have any concerns.
Please click here for the current recommendations from the California Health Department.
Yes. Continuing to wear a mask, social distance, and wash your hands frequently is still recommended because experts don’t yet know whether getting a COVID-19 vaccine will prevent you from spreading the virus that causes COVID-19 to other people even if you don’t get sick yourself. Experts also need to understand more about the protection that COVID-19 vaccines provide in real-world conditions.
Yes. The Federal Drug Administration of the United States allows providers to boost eligible people with a different vaccine than the one they received initially.
Whether you received a Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, or Pfizer vaccine, you may receive a booster of any other vaccine if you meet the criteria listed in question #17.
Yes! You can get a COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines, including the flu vaccine, during the same visit.
It is likely that the viruses that cause influenza (flu) and COVID-19 will both be spreading this winter. A flu shot only protects you from the flu, but at least it means you will not run the risk of getting flu and COVID-19 at the same time.
Getting a flu vaccine now is more important than ever.
The Facts: These vaccines could be made fast and still be safe for three simple reasons.
- There was a lot of research done on the kind of virus that causes COVID-19 before this virus showed up. So scientists had a big head start about the kind of vaccine that would work best to fight this virus.
- A lot of government money was spent to get many companies to work on this vaccine and to put all of their scientists to work on it around the clock. That helped speed everything up.
- While every step to make a new vaccine and be sure it is safe was followed, some of the steps were done at the same time instead of one after another. It is like cooking several parts of a meal at once instead of cooking one course at a time. You get done sooner, but it’s just as good.
In fact, the two vaccines that have been approved to protect against COVID-19 were studied on more than 70,000 volunteers, including adults of all ages and different racial and ethnic groups, and were found to work very well and be equally safe for all.
The Facts: COVID-19 is a lethal disease. Seasonal flu can be very dangerous, but it kills about one person in every thousand infected, while COVID-19 kills one out of a hundred people who are infected. No one has died from the two approved vaccines.
- Some people wonder if that could be just because volunteers who took part in vaccine trials were not tracked for long enough for us to know if there will be deaths. It’s true that we only have 3 months of experience watching people who got these vaccines, but we do have experience with other vaccines and the vast majority of ill effects show up within hours or days. There is no basis for believing we will see something different here.
The Facts:
The current vaccines don’t include the virus in any form – no live virus, no weakened virus, no dead virus. You just cannot get the disease from the vaccine.
- Some other vaccines use the virus they are fighting in some form to charge up an immune response. The current COVID-19 vaccines do not work that way so there is no way that they could give you COVID-19.
- It is possible to catch the disease in the first few days after your vaccination before the vaccine has a chance to work, but that would not mean you got sick from the vaccine. For most people, the vaccine needs 7 days before it starts to work. And both these vaccines require a second dose before a person is fully protected from getting sick from the virus.
It is easy to be confused about this because you might feel some side effects for a while after getting the vaccine. In fact, about half of the volunteers who tested these vaccines experienced some side effects: Most of these effects were mild and did not require any treatment or change in daily activity and lasted for 1 to 2 days. What they were feeling was not COVID-19, however, not even a mild case of COVID-19. They were feeling the symptoms of an immune response, which means that the vaccine was at work developing antibodies to protect them from COVID-19.
The Facts: These vaccines do use genetic material, called mRNA (that stands for “messenger” RNA) to fight the virus, but it doesn’t do anything to your genes.
- Just as its name says, mRNA works like a messenger. In this case, the mRNA used in the vaccine tells your body to make a protein that kicks your immune system into action. The mRNA lets your body get a message from the virus without having to run into the virus directly.
- But it doesn’t affect your genes. Keep in mind that you encounter genetic material from other plants and animals all the time, when you eat them. Your body breaks them down into their basic chemicals, using the proteins and fats and carbohydrates they contain to give you energy and make your cells work.
Like the food you eat, the mRNA you get in a vaccine does have an affect on your health, but it doesn’t change your genes or your DNA.
The Facts: Not true on either count. Childhood vaccines are one of the best and safest protections against dangerous diseases that have been developed, and these vaccines have been carefully tested for safety as well.
- First about the autism scare – It was started by an English doctor who was later shown to be a fraud. The lie lived on because some celebrities bought into it and ran with it. The result? Millions of dollars wasted on proving the truth over and over (for example, one study looked at every single baby born in Denmark for 8 years and showed there was absolutely no link). Even so, some scared parents still avoid vaccines, and we see deadly outbreaks of diseases that could have been prevented.
- The list of ingredients in the COVID vaccines is pretty simple – mRNA, plus some fats (called “lipids,” which is another word for fats) plus some salt and sugar to stabilize the mix. You can actually find the ingredients on the Food and Drug Administration’s COVID-19 vaccine website. Nothing you’ll see is out of the ordinary.
The Facts: The vaccine does not contain any kind of tracking device whatsoever.
- This story seems to have spread on the Internet based on a Facebook post that said Bill Gates was planning to use a microchip to identify people who have been tested for COVID-19. In fact, Mr. Gates had commented on a research study that had nothing to do with COVID-19 and nothing to do with anything being implanted. The study was about a method to be sure who has gotten vaccinated in countries that have high death rates from vaccine preventable diseases and poor health data systems. Like the story about autism, this is a story that is hard to stop even after it has been debunked over and over.
The Facts: Getting the vaccine is totally voluntary. Doctors and public health officials are trying to provide people with good information on the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines so that they can make an informed decision when it is their turn to be offered the vaccine. No one is required to get vaccinated.
The Facts: While there are terrible examples of drug companies putting profit before safety (for example, by aggressively promoting highly addictive opioid painkillers), the process for developing these vaccines and the makeup of the products themselves has been transparent, with more information available to independent scientists than ever before.
- The development of these vaccines has been carried out in the public eye. In fact, reviews of vaccine safety and efficacy (a term used to mean that the vaccines work) have been published for anyone to read. That means you or your doctor can read the reviews and decide whether the research seems solid and the findings are believable.
- The people reviewing the research include medical leaders from diverse settings all over the country and observers (non-voting members) representing a wide range of medical groups, including some that have fought hard against medical racism. They have not been paid for this work – they have been involved to verify the quality of the research and to assure that equity is protected throughout the process. For a list of names of the reviewers and the places they work, visit the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) website. You can learn more about these people by looking them up online.
- Doctors do not make extra money for giving vaccines. They are paid for a medical visit, same as any other primary care visit.
The Facts: There are certainly historical reasons for Black and Latinx communities to fear being singled out. The concern is justified because people of color and marginalized groups have, in the past, been coerced and subjugated to participating in drug trials and medical procedures without informed consent, patient protections, or ethical practices. That is not the case here, however. Black and Latinx communities have not been singled out to get the vaccine. But groups are being offered the vaccine based on the risks faced by the people in the group. So, the answer is NO to singling anyone out, but YES, Black and Latinx communities could be offered the vaccines earlier than other communities where infection, hospitalization and death rates have not been as high. Consider the following:
- The two vaccines now available were tested on diverse populations. In fact, efforts were made to assure inclusion of Black and Latinx volunteers in proportions equal to their proportion in the population just to make sure there weren’t factors that would make a vaccine less effective or less safe in either of those groups. A big effort was made to include members of those groups, to assure that they would not be victims of medical neglect, which is the other side of the coin in regard to medical racism.
- The very top priority for getting vaccinated now that the vaccines are available are frontline workers in healthcare. This includes clinical staff such as doctors, nurses, and therapists as well as people who work in other areas like laboratories and hospital environmental services. They are prioritized because they are at higher risk of being exposed to the virus and they are critical to keeping other people alive. These same criteria are being used to decide who is next in line, as we need to prioritize vaccinating some people before others while there is limited supply of the vaccine. Once there is plenty of vaccine available, everyone who wants to get vaccinated should have easy access to the vaccine.
- There is good reason for Black and Latinx communities to demand equal and early access to vaccination. Black and Latinx residents, along with Native Americans and Native Hawaiians, have been most likely to be infected (often as a result of poor working or living conditions), most likely to require hospitalization if infected, and most likely to die from COVID-19. They‘re also the communities that suffer most severe consequences if illness excludes them from the workforce. If you see billboards or hear advertising encouraging Black and Latinx residents of LA to opt for vaccination, it reflects these concerns. LA wants those who have been hardest hit to have the opportunity to be vaccinated as soon as possible.
The stakes for Black and Latinx residents of LA are high. Please read what you can about the vaccines from reliable sources and talk to well-informed people you trust – your doctor, a science teacher you know, a pharmacist – and ask them to respond to your questions and concerns. Your questions are important and deserve to be answered by knowledgeable and trusted individuals.
The Facts: We don’t know how long natural immunity – the immunity you get from having been sick – lasts. We also don’t know if it is complete. There have been a few well-documented cases of people being infected twice. So even if you have had COVID-19 and recovered, you will benefit from the vaccine.
24/7 Peace of Mind
If you are sick, we can give you a same-day or next-day appointment. When our offices are closed, you can call us to reach our on-call provider for help or a virtual visit if recommended.

What Our Patients Are Saying

What Our Patients Are Saying
5 Reasons to Wear a Mask Even
After You're Vaccinated
Getting the COVID-19 vaccine brings us one step closer to the end of this pandemic, but we’ll need to continue masking and social distancing in order to truly end COVID-19.
1. No vaccine is 100% effective.
Clinical trials of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines found that two doses offer up to 95% immunity against the coronavirus.
2. Vaccines don’t provide immediate protection.
It is not until two weeks after you receive your complete vaccine dosage that you have full protection. For Pfizer and Moderna this is two weeks after your second shot.
3. Vaccinated people may still be able to spread the virus.
While the COVID-19 vaccine clearly prevents illness, researchers need more time to figure out whether they prevent transmission, too. If you’ve been vaccinated, it may still be possible to unknowingly spread the virus to those around you. Until researchers know for sure, wearing a mask is the safest way to protect others while they wait for the vaccine.
4. Masks protect people with compromised immune systems.
People with chronic health conditions, like heart disease or cancer, are at risk of developing severe cases of COVID-19. Unfortunately, recent studies of people with cancer show that they are not as well-protected by the COVID-19 vaccine. Continuing to wear a mask helps protect those with compromised immune systems.
5. Masks protect against any strain of the coronavirus, in spite of genetic mutations.
Global health leaders are extremely concerned about new genetic variants of COVID-19, which appear at least 50% more contagious than the original. So far, studies suggest the current vaccines will work against these new strains. Until a much higher percentage of people are vaccinated, masking and social distancing will remain important tools to limit the spread.
Educational Materials
How can mothers manage their post-partum depression? Eisner Health expert Dr. Lauren Goli explains.
Discover our accessible locations throughout Los Angeles County. Parking is free at all locations, and if you need help with transportation, give us a call at (213) 747-5542.