Cómo Mi Farmacéutico Me Ayudó a Controlar Mi Diabetes.

Ella, quien había sido paciente de Eisner desde hacía muchos años, agradece especialmente a la Dra. Nicole Alton en nuestro Departamento de Farmacia por enseñarle cómo controlar su diabetes. “Nicole estaba disponible para mí, respondía todas mis preguntas y me enseñó cómo inyectarme la insulina” Ella se sentía aterrorizada de tener que usar insulina, pero […]

How My Pharmacist Helped Control My Diabetes

Ella, who has been a patient at Eisner for several years now, is especially grateful to Dr. Nicole Alton in our Pharmacy department for teaching her how to control her Diabetes.  “Dr. Alton was available for me, answered all my questions and taught me how to inject my insulin.”  Ella was terrified of needles and […]

¿Sabía Usted que Puede Calificar para los Beneficios de CalFresh?

¿Desea hacer comidas frescas y saludables dentro del presupuesto? Sabía que usted puede calificar para los beneficios de CalFresh? Eisner Health desea que pueda tomar decisiones saludables para usted y su familia. Llame o vaya a hablar con un especialista en inscripciones y aprenda cómo puede aportar a su presupuesto de alimentos. Eisner Health puede […]

Por qué me encanta ser Miembro del Consejo…

Kevin Rossi (Presidente del Consejo del Centro Eisner, Médico Familiar, Kaiser Permanente) “Mi parte favorita de ser miembro del Consejo es que verdaderamente podemos hacer algo bueno por los pacientes, el personal y el Centro en general.  Asímismo, realmente me gusta trabajar con otras personas, desarrollar mis habilidades de liderazgo, la capacidad de poder viajar […]

Why I Love Being a Board Member…

Kevin Rossi (Eisner Health Center Board Member, Family Care Physician, Kaiser Permanente) “My favorite part of being a Board member is that we can truly do something good for the patients, staff, and the Center at-large.  Also, I really love working with other people, developing my leadership skills, the ability to travel once in a […]

Celebrating 25,000 Births in 25 years…

“Our Eisner midwives are awesome!  I had the best Midwifery Week! October 6th marked my second year at Eisner as a midwife.  It’s our practice’s 25th anniversary in South Park, but women come from as far as Covina, Long Beach and Santa Clarita to share with us.  The Eisner midwives deliver babies at both California […]

Dental Department Patient Story

Daniela, a 12-year-old student, currently attends a local Los Angeles-based elementary school which houses one of Eisner’s four school-based dental clinics.   During Daniela’s initial exam in 2015, it was discovered that she had eight cavities in all of her eight permanent molars.  She was scheduled for a cleaning appointment the following week, during which our […]

Did You Know You May Qualify for CalFresh Benefits?

Looking to make fresh and healthy meals on a budget?  Did you know that you may qualify for CalFresh benefits?  Eisner wants you to be able to make healthy choices for you and your family.  Call or stop by to speak with an enrollment specialist and learn how you can add to your food budget. […]