
Meet the Senior Team

Our senior staff is led by Monica Gutierrez-McCarthy, President and Chief Executive Officer. Day-to-day functions at Eisner Health are overseen by Monica and the senior management team. Our 450-person staff includes physicians, dentists, nurse practitioners, nurse-midwives, therapists, case managers, health educators, pharmacists, medical and dental assistants, and administrators.

Monica Gutierrez-McCarthy
President + Chief Executive Officer
Raymond C. W. Perry-Moore, MD, MS
Chief Medical Officer
Tyler Vogler
Sr. Vice President + Chief Operating Officer
Sergey Navolnev
Chief Financial Officer
Andrew Signey
VP General Services + Government Affairs
Pajmon Zarrineghbal, Esq.
General Counsel

Meet the Center Board

Eisner Health is governed by a board made up of professionals and leaders in the health care community. It includes at least 51% consumer board members who monitor policies and provide recommendations from a patient’s perspective. The full group meets monthly, and standing committees that meet quarterly include Finance/Audit, Governance, Quality Improvement & Compliance, and Public Policy. If you are an Eisner Health patient interested in becoming a consumer board member, please fill out the interest form HERE.

Stanley P. Berkman
Edward Matthews
Consumer Board Member, Consumer Vice Chair
Rupert Grant
Consumer Board Member, Vice Chair
Ian C. Wiener
Irma Avila
Consumer Board Member, Secretary
Victor Aguirre
Consumer Board Member, Director
Alejandra Rosas
Consumer Board Member, Director
Kevin Rossi, MD
Consumer Board Member, Director
Martine Singer
Consumer Board Member, Director
Chris Isola
Consumer Board Member, Director

Meet the Foundation Board

The Eisner Health Foundation is responsible for raising the resources necessary to support the operations of Eisner Health as well as overseeing Eisner Health’s investments.

Joshua Englander
Board Chair
Rupert Grant
Chris Isola
Kevin B. Kroeker, Esq.
Kevin Rossi, MD
Pejman Salimpour
Trent Stamp
Stanley P. Berkman
Erika L. Sockaci, MBA, MHA